about us
About us
Turning Interest Into Action!

The Ubusha Foundation (TUF) is a multifaceted nonprofit organization (NPO) with a mission of changing lives, improving livelihoods, setting platforms for socio-economic inclusion, and creating a culture of innovative problem solving. The Ubusha Foundation is registered in terms of the Nonprofit Organization Act of 1997 (Act 71 of 1997) and was entered into the register with the Department of Social Development on the 29th of January 2018, with registration number 202-631 NPO and Public Benefit Organization (PBO) number 930070401 from the South African Revenue Services (SARS). The organization has a focus on children, youths and women as beneficiaries, however, it expands its services beyond.

As a multidisciplinary organization, we are interested in different aspects and stages of social, economic, and political issues, which has resulted in developing the seven pillars of the organization, viz. education and skills training, health and wellbeing, volunteerism, creativity and innovation, social support, environment, and rural and urban agriculture. We aim to work towards achieving our mission and goals through through advocacy, psychosocial support, sensitisation, community outreaches, networking, educational support, environmental protection and conservation, and innovation. The bottom line is to create lasting solutions to poverty and unemployment, and training champions in the real world to become agents of change, entrepreneurs, and peace makers.

South Africa’s unemployment rate surged to the highest on a global list of 82 countries monitored by Bloomberg. In particular, unemployment continues to burden the youth with nearly two-thirds or 64.4% of those aged 15 to 24 unemployed and 42.9% of those aged 25 to 34 unemployed .The burden of unemployment is also concentrated amongst the youth as they account for 59,5% of the total number of unemployed persons. The unemployment rate among the youth is high irrespective of education level. The graduate unemployment rate was 40,3% for those aged 15–24 and 15,5% among those aged 25–34 years, while the rate among adults (aged 35–64 years) was 5,4%...

Some of these young people have become discouraged from participating in the labour market and they are also not building on their skills base through education and training – they are not in employment, education or training.Of the 10,2 million persons aged 15–24 years, 32,4% (approximately 3,3 million) were not in employment, education or training – implying that close to one in three young South Africans between the ages of 15 and 24 years were disengaged with the labour market in the first quarter of 2021. The NEET rate, seen in conjunction with unemployment rates over 60%, suggests that the youth face extreme difficulties engaging with the labour market in South Africa. (NEET).

Education and prior work experience play an important role in the labour market. Employers often prefer to employ those with previous work experience and a higher level of education. Unfortunately for the youth, lack of work experience is a stumbling block that results in them finding it hard to secure employment. Those with jobs are often concentrated in Trade, Agriculture, and Finance and other business services industries. Low and semi-skilled youth employment is concentrated in the Trade industry, while high-skilled youth employment is in the Community and social services as well as Finance and other business services industries. In most cases, these young people have contracts that have unspecified duration or the contracts are of a limited duration, and consequently do not have access to employee benefits such as medical aid, pension fund, paid sick leave and permanent employment.

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Our vision is to inspire and nurture children, youths, and women to become independent, self-driven, motivated and willing to take part in socio-economic activities. We also envision a South Africa where the youths are innovators, problem solvers, initiators, and engaged in reducing poverty, while promoting social wellbeing and increased economic activities. We will achieve this by working towards the following seven goals and pillars: 


1. Cultivate and implement training and skills development programmes. 


2. Promote mental and physical health or wellbeing through psychological services. 

3. Create opportunities for volunteerism and social awareness. 

4. Stimulate creativity and innovation through implementation of new technologies. 

5. Engage with less privileged, homeless, and destitute through food drives and other initiatives. 

6. Include the principle of sustainable development and initiatives that protect and promote a healthy environment. 

7. Improve livelihoods through rural and urban agriculture.

our goal

The Ubusha Foundation offers children, youth, and women that have been identified as ‘at-risk’, unskilled or uneducated, an opportunity to work with a caring mentor to develop a positive attitude towards their future. The long-term standing of TUF is to empower children and young adults to break free from bad habits that lead to troubled lives such as in schools and in the streets. The Ubusha Foundation establishes itself as a resource and training hub for young people (and disadvantaged adults), with a set of skills, education, and experience for the workplace and entrepreneurial skills to start own businesses. The following programmes and services are offered:


The Ubusha Foundation understands the importance of sustainable development and protecting the environment. We join many other organisations across the globe in demonstrating climate change care, waste management, and natural resources protection through environmental leadership including strategies to reducing emissions, developing innovative low-carbon technologies, and supporting more ambitious government policies. Our Environmental goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and supports other initiatives wherever possible. Our core focus on the environment are: Climate Change ,Water and Water Resources Waste Management ,Air Pollution, Energy, & Ocean pollution


At The Ubusha Foundation, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing homelessness. Homelessness is a result of the increasing unemployment, lack of affordable housing, social disintegration, and social and economic policies that do not give enough room for the homeless to be better citizens. This programme will focus on the rehabilitation of homeless individuals, with the help of both private and government institutions, ensuring that we decrease the amount of drug users, helping them put their lives back together. It is known that most homeless individuals also spend time on drugs.


Volunteering is an exceptional example for young people. Volunteerism is a way to gain many life skills that can be transferred in the workplace. Young people are likely to lead healthy and productive lives through social awareness and participative programs. The volunteering strategy focuses on humanity, peace, and leadership.


Time spent being creative can help to advance cognitive skills, stimulating the imagination and providing a channel for expression. It teaches young people to solve problems, using their imagination to make interpretations and strengthen understanding. Promoting creativity and innovation amongst young people in every aspect of their lives, creating a non-judgmental environment where young people can nourish, grow and be themselves. We will create a culture where young people are taught to speak out, express themselves, bring out energy and be motivated. The program will tie with scientific and new technology projects.


Mental health and physical health play an important role in the growth of a young person. Good mental health helps children and young people develop skills they need to cope and be great young leaders. The health and wellbeing program will also focus on decreasing the rate of contracting HIV/AIDS amongst young people and the LGBTQ+ Community.


In order to reduce the current skills mismatch in South Africa and ensure that the young are able to transition from education to employment. We are dedicated to Changing lives by developing skills at an individual and community level throughout South Africa. Low skills perpetuate poverty and inequality. We want to do it right to reduce un- and underdevelopment, increase productivity, and improve the standards of living. Helping both young and old to develop and update their skills.


The main challenge lies in devising and setting up a system of agricultural and forestry production that can generate a long-term employment, income and sustainable development. Agriculture will help create jobs as we help these young people start, run and grow their agribusinesses with intensive skills and training agricultural development programs.


The purpose of this project is to ensure that our young people are of sound mind, a generation that is non ignorant or irresponsible but caring and willing to change for the better, having less young people dropping out of school and decreasing teenage pregnacy through programs and activities designed for them.


Food security is a huge problem coupled with high prices and individuals' ability to access it as well as the inability to afford healthy food for all family members. The Ubusha Thought For Food drive secures quality food and make it available to those who need it.

upcoming events

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller.

Education for every child, South Africa's literacy rate!

World Bank data show the country has an 87% adult literacy rate, ranking below countries such as Mexico (95%), Brazil (93%) and Azerbaijan (99.8%). The figure for South Africa represents a decline of around 7% in two years.

According to data released by the UNESCO(link is external) Institute for Statistics, literacy rates for adults and youth continue to rise. Young women aged 15-24 are making the strongest gains, but still lag behind young men. In 2011, 87% of female youth had basic literacy skills, compared to 92% of males. Overall, more than half of countries with data have youth literacy rates of 95% or higher.

Despite these gains, 774 million adults (15 years and older) still cannot read or write – two-thirds of them (493 million) are women. Among youth, 123 million are illiterate of which 76 million are female. Even though the size of the global illiterate population is shrinking, the female proportion has remained virtually steady at 63% to 64%.

29 Aug 2023
5:00 PM
Youth in agriculture!

Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 30. Such a high number of young people is an opportunity for the continent's growth – but only if these new generations are fully empowered to realise their best potential.

The ways food is currently produced, processed, distributed, consumed and wasted are widely recognized as unsustainable, from both ecological and social perspectives. Inequity and injustice are endemic in the ways costs, risks and rewards are generated and distributed within and by food systems (Akram-Lodhi, 2013), and there are many examples of environmental unsustainability in agriculture and agro-industry (Campbell et al., 2017)..

The programme seeks to address issues of youth unemployment, We also provide training and support to create rural & urban employment, Donors and development practitioners can join forces for advancing policies and programmes for creating more and better jobs for young people in agriculture.

29 Aug 2023
5:00 PM
South Africa